Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I have a couple of poems to share today.

I think this one could be titled "Transcendence"

deeper down
farther up
unseen realities
connection to
something so big
ultimate perspective
a place not in space
a moment not in time
cosmic plug-in
a quest
of quiet freedom
but contently accept
simple complexity
be with the questions
allow answers
to fall

I think this next poem is sort of an antithesis to the previous one.  I don't think it has a title yet.

The noise in my head,
badgering practicalities,
song fragments skipping like a scratched record.
Can't you just settle down
and let me listen
for needful things:
Spirit wind,
grace and peace,
purpose and meaning.
Your selfish shallow clamor
erodes my existence.
Where you are,
life cannot be lived
as life is -
beautiful, sacred,

I'm grateful that you took the time to read these poems.  I'd be even more grateful for a comment!  I'm not looking for empty praise, but I'd love to know how these lines connected with you.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Summer of Poetry

After a long winter's nap, I'm back in the blogosphere.  Today is the first day of Summer vacation.  Summer is when I have some time and space to breathe, think and create.  It is a renewing and productive season for me.  The Summerrest blog is my venue to send my wares out into the Universe.  I like the opportunity to circle up with other writers (novice or expert) and kick ideas around.   I enjoy getting readers and comments, although I feel inferior to "real bloggers".

I've decided to focus my creative energies this Summer on poetry.  So, let's get started, shall we?  Here is a poem that conveys a sense of my life when the season is other than Summer.


Just before the morning light
I squeeze and wad myself up tight
and plunge beneath the water line
to soak up all I can divine
water fill me through the day
dripping, dropping all the way
for the work of love, I must stay drenched
there are thirsty, lost in need of quench
they draw in close for smile and touch
the moisture that they need so much
carried in loose-knit fibers and holes
designed to offer, not to hold
soon I find me empty and light
and need to take a rest tonight
tomorrow I will start again
indulging in the depth within.